
Scores and supporting materials are available for purchase on my Bandcamp page (or select “store” in the navigation menu). Feel free to contact me if you are interested in perusing a score for a possible future performance.

All works are copyrighted and published by Thad Anderson and +Two Media, and are registered with the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP).

Here is a list of original compositions in reverse chronological order:

Peregrination (2020)
original music for the multimedia work

A shining light in darkness deep (2020)
percussion quartet

Sonolumin (2018)
original music for the animated short for full-dome

Withhold (2018)
solo for snare drum, fixed media, and optional percussion quartet

Seamless (2017)
solo for keyboard instrument

Northbound (2016)
solo for percussion, field recording, & composed fixed media

Re-Cite (2016)
solo for open instrument and live processing

Totems (2015)
percussion sextet for drum sets

Route (2014)
solo for alto saxophone and fixed media playback

Outside, Looking In (2014)
solo for piano

Within (2014)
quartet for tuned metals

Mechanization (2014)
duet for unspecified, definite-pitched percussion

As We May Think (2014)
solo for multi-keyboard and fixed media playback

For Hammers & Reed (2013)
duet for piano and alto saxophone

By-and-by (2013)
quartet for two vibraphones & two marimbas

Five Messages (2013)
quartet for two pianists and two percussionists

Through-line (2012)
flute + string quartet and fixed media playback

Through-line (2012)
flute + flute quartet and fixed media playback

Withheld (2011)
quartet for tuned metals

Concertante (2011)
solo for multi-percussion & fixed media playback

Passages (2011)
solo marimba etudes

0.1. (2010)
original music for the animated short for full-dome

OPEN/shut (2010)
solo for multi-keyboard (vibraphone/marimba)

A Moment of Silence (2009)
original music for the animated short

Second Reconstruction (2009)
solo for prepared vibraphone

Standard Deviation (2008)
original score for the documentary film

Revolutions (2003/07)
quartet for vibraphones

Digital Shorts
composed cues for various projects (available for licensing)