Through-line (2012), a piece from my series called Lines, is a quintet for flutes and five-channel playback or flute, string quartet, and five-channel playback.
The word through-line refers to a central theme or idea that runs to the end of a work (i.e. an invisible thread that holds your story together”). In the case of this work, the through-line is both the duration lines that are used throughout and a seven chord progression that is used in the odd number sections.
Purchase the score, parts, and media to perform Through-line.
This work was composed for Dr. Nora Lee Garcia and the Aurelia Flute Quartet (Nick Buonanni, Adriane Hill, Kate Nichols, & Amber Sheppard)at the University of Central Florida. Below is a recording of the flute quintet version:
The string quartet version was premiered on May 12, 2013 by Nora Lee Garcia (flute) and the Orlando Philharmonic String Quartet (Rimma Bergeron Langlois, Alexander Stevens, Mauricio Cespedes Rivero, and David Bjella). Below is a recording from that performance: